We are delighted to announce that Chambers and Partners has recognised Spice Route Legal as one of the premier Indian law firms in FinTech. Notably, Mathew Chacko, one of our Founding Partners, has been individually lauded as a leading Indian lawyer in the field, while Ankita Hariramani has been recognised as an up-and-coming lawyer.
Chambers highlighted Spice Route Legal’s substantial expertise within the FinTech Practice, emphasising our capability to bring “technological know-how to the table.”
Mathew Chacko’s proficiency in financial sector regulation, coupled with data privacy and technology expertise, garnered praise from clients. They observed — “Mathew Chacko is definitely one of the best FinTech lawyers in India. I have come across very few people who have a good understanding of law and technology, and are not intimidated by the tech.”
Ankita Hariramani received accolades for her exemplary work in financial services regulatory matters, and has been acclaimed as “lawyer of great calibre.” Her clients specifically mentioned. “Ankita is very involved, and she is very switched-on and informed about regulations. She is a very strong professional.”
For any details of our fintech practice, please reach out to Mathew Chacko or Ankita Hariramani.
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