We regularly assist companies dealing in high-end cosmetics and medicinal skin care products with various legal concerns that plague them in this industry sector.

Our team plays a crucial role in the drugs and cosmetics industries on a global scale. We work with multinational pharmaceutical companies, cosmetic manufacturers, and multi-industry conglomerates on a wide range of issues that haunt their operations.
With dynamic consumer demands, increased regulatory scrutiny, and data privacy issues, the challenges faced by leading drug manufacturers, cosmetics brands, and skin care lines remain abundant. We provide a platform that allows clients to avail the very best legal services to protect their interests.
Advised one of India’s largest cosmetic ingredients and extracts manufacturers on a USD 100-Million sale of its business to OmniActive Health Technologies.
Advised a prominent Indian investment fund on the purchase of shares from the promoters of a leading natural beauty and skincare brand in India.
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