Our team has advised on cross-jurisdictional restructuring, transactions, and regulatory matters for some of the world’s largest solar energy companies.

We combine legal expertise with a passion for renewable energy, working diligently to support our clients’ missions of creating a cleaner and more sustainable future. We offer comprehensive legal support throughout the entire project lifecycle including regulatory compliance, project documentation, risk analysis, financing, technology licensing, intellectual property, and dispute resolution.
We understand the importance of solar energy in combatting climate change and are a trusted partner to several players in the global solar energy ecosystem in advancing the clean energy revolution.
Assisted a leading listed rooftop solar company with a global restructuring of its operations, involving cross-border domiciling and investment structuring advisory. We also advised the client on a project development and project finance mandate for a 68MW direct current, and ground-mounted solar project in Chhattisgarh.
Assisted a prominent solar energy company on its successful project bid under the Chief Minister's Solar Agriculture Feeder scheme in Maharashtra and assisted with the advisory and project documentation for a 7-MW solar project under the scheme.
Assisted a solar power solutions company focused on financing rooftop solar projects, with the documentation and structuring advisory on various rounds of financial investments from well-regarded venture capital funds. We assist them with their contractual framework with the O&M and other technical partners.
Assisted a leading player in the solar energy market as lead counsel for receiving inward investments from American and Chilean strategic and financial investors in a deal that spans India, the USA, Chile, and the UK.
Assisted an independent power producer, operating wind and solar power generation projects across India, with multiple commercial arrangements, including complex lease and novation arrangements with 45-50 lessors for land for a large wind project in Punjab. We also advised on an ongoing arbitration in relation to an EPC dispute with one of their project partners.
Assisted a Dutch crowdfunding platform with complex advisory relating to obtaining multiple External Commercial Borrowings (ECBs) from foreign sources of funding i.e. crowdsourced funding, to facilitate the investment of these crowdfunded resources into renewable energy projects in India, such as solar utility and service companies.
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